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Updates:Super Visa extended for 5 years Read More


  • Start-Up
  • Process
  • Investment
  • Provincial

Start-Up Visa (SUV) Canada

Canada’s start-up visa program launched by the Canadian government gives potential entrepreneurs having the best innovative business ideas, and accumulated required knowledge or skills the opportunity to immigrate to Canada. The main objective of this was to provide Immigrant entrepreneurs with a platform for them to demonstrate their innovative idea and create new job opportunities in Canada and also compete on a global scale.

Key Features of Start-Up Visa (SUV)

• Requires No Investment
• No Net Worth Criteria To Be Met
• No Work Experience Requirement
• Permanent Resident Status Given
• No Impact on PR of business situation
Start-Up Visa (SUV) Requirements Applicants must meet the following requirements for this immigration stream:
1) Must have a qualifying business (10% of voting rights attached to all shares of the company and 50% voting rights which also involves shares of the designated organisation(DO).
2) Must get a letter of support from an IRCC-designated organization.
3) Must have Demonstrate Intermediate Knowledge In English, French, Or Both Languages, and meet The CLB Benchmarks.
4) Have sufficient funds settlement funds and reside in Canada.
5) Must not be more than five foreign nationals applying at the same time.

Process For Getting A Start-Up Visa

There is a four-step process you need to meet in order to get a Canadian start-up visa:
1- Find Designated Investor:- Your start-up or new business must receive support from a designated organization before you can participate in the visa program. There are three kinds of designation investors:-

A) Angel Investor Groups

You must be able to get one or more investors connected to these groups to agree to invest a minimum of $75,000:
1) Oak Mason Investments Inc.
2) VANTEC Angel Network Inc.
3) Southeastern Ontario Angel Netwotk
4) Keiretsu Forum Canada
5) York Angel Investors Inc.
6) Ekagrata Inc.
7) Canadian International Angel Investors
8) Golden Triangle Angel Network
9) TenX Angel Investors Inc.

B) Business Incubators

You must be able to be accepted into one of these programs:
1) Waterloo Accelerator Centre
2) TSRV Canada Inc.
3) The DMZ Ryerson University
4) Spark Commercialization and Innovation Centre
5) Real Investment Fund III L.P I/a FounderFuel
6) North Forge Technology Exchange
7) Millworks Centre (Entrepreneurship)
8) Launch Academy (Vancouver)
9) Knowledge Park o/a Planet Hatch
10) Interactive Niagara Media Cluster o/a Innovate Niagara
11) Highline BETA Inc.
12) Extreme Innovations
13) Creative Destruction Lab
14) Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
15) Agrivalue Processing Business Incubator
16) Food Processing Development Centre
17) York Entrepreneurship Development Institute
19) Toronto Business Development Centre (TBDC)
20) Spring Activator
21) Ryerson Futures Inc.
22) Platform Calgary
23) Next Canada
24) LauchPad PEI Inc.
25) LatAm Startups
26) Invest Ottawa
27) Innovacorp
28) Genesis Centre
29) Empowered Startups Ltd.
30) Biomedical Commercialization Canada Inc. (Operating as Manitoba Technology Accelerator)
31) Alacrity Foundation

Venture Capital Funds

You must be able to get at least one of these groups to agree to invest a minimum of $200,000:
1) Westcap Management Ltd.
2) Top Renergy Inc.
3) Real Ventures
4) Nova Scotia Innovation Corporation o/a Innovacorp
5) Innovation Platform Captial International LP
6) Extreme Venture Partners LLP
7) BCF Ventures
8) York Entrepreneurship Development Institute(YEDI) VC Fund
9) Vanedge Capital Limited Partnership
10) Relay Ventures
11) Pangaea Ventures Ltd.
12) iNovia Capital Inc.
13) Golden Venture Partners LLP
14) BDC Venture Capital
15) 7 Gate Ventures
16) Celtic House Venture Partners
17) Impression Ventures
18) Lumira Ventures
19) PRIVEQ Capital Funds
20) ScaleUp Venture Partners, Inc.
21) Version One Ventures
22) Yaletown Venture Partners Inc.
Each organization has its own way in process for proposals, requirements and criteria used to assess and evaluate parameters.
• The amount of funding that can be provided by the designed investors is also pre-defined.
• You can club support with two different investors but would never each letter of support.
• It is important to be connected with only approved and designated investors.
2- Pitching Perfect Business Plan And Idea:- Creating a successful pitch and presenting a thorough business plan to your investors plays a has different in the Canadian market and investors. Every investor has a unique and different requirement, It's essential to customize your business plan and pitch to each investor with your proposal after researching adequately.
3- Necessary Letter of Support:- After your idea is approved by your designated potential investors you’ll get a letter of support attached to your application for permanent residency.
4- You can firstly apply for the Permanent Resident (PR) and then after it, you can immediately apply for the Canadian Citizen upon the residency obligation. Your business state does not have an influence over your Permanent Residency Status or your Citizenship.

Provincial Business Immigration

It is very crucial to comprehend the province’s requirements and regional communities of each province as it has its own Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) for investors and entrepreneurs. The eligibility criteria vary for each PNP stream, but mainly the parameters depend upon the net worth, investment and business experience.

The Self-Employed Program

The requirement to be eligible immigrating by self-employed program :
• You must have relevant experience which refer to :- you must be part of cultural activities or athletics at a world-class level or been a self-employed person in cultural activities or athletics.
• You must be potential enough and have the willingness to be self employed in Canada.
• Score the required marks in the self employed programs selection criteria.
• You must fulfill the criteria of the background check, medical, security and additional admissibility conditions. To get qualified you must have at least two years of relevant which should be during the period starting 5 years before the day of applying and ending on the day the decision on your application is made.
  • For Cultural Activities
  • For Athletics

a) Two one-year periods of being self-employed in cultural activities
b) Two one-year periods participating at a world-class level in cultural activities
c) A combination of a one-year period in the both points described in (a), and a one-year period described in (b)

a) Two one-year periods being self-employed in athletics.
b) Two one-year periods participating at a world class level in athletics.
c) a combination of a one-year period in both points described in (a) above, and a one-year period described in (b) above

Provincial Business Immigration

Pathway Alberta Farm Stream
Province Connection Canadian Institution (Loan)
Net Worth $500,000 CAD
Work Experience Farm Management
Investment $500,000 CAD (Primary Production Farming Business)
Work Experience 6 months (full time)
Language CLB 5
Province Connection Letter of recommendation obtained by an AIPP Approved Agency
Education Post Secondary Degree
Investment a)$50,000 CAD for Regional Area b)$100,000 CAD for Urban Area c) 34% ownership in Rural d) 5% ownership in Urban
Status in Canada Apply for PR post obtaining Nomination Certificate
Status In Canada Nomination Certificate

Education High School Equivalent
Language CLB 4
Province Connection Community Support Letter from a participating Rural Alberta community.
Work Experience a)3 years spent being an active business owner/manager b) 4 years spent as a senior manager within the past 10 years.
Net Worth $300,000 CAD
Investment $200,000 CAD
Additional Requirement Create 1 job for PR/ Canadian Citizen

Pathway British Columbia EI-Regional Pilot
Province Connection Canadian Institution (Loan)
Education (Post-Secondary/ 3 years experience) as 100% owner of the business
Net Worth $ 300,000 CAD
Province Connection To be suggested by the participating communities'
Work Experience 3+ years as business owner-manager during the last 5 years; or 4+ years as a senior manager; or 1+ year as business owner manager and 2+ years as senior manager
Language CLB 4
Investment $100,000 CAD
Additional Requirement a) Sign Business Performance Agreement b) Create 1 job for PR or Canadian Citizen
Status In Canada a)Work permit for 1 year. PR subject to meeting requirements

Work Experience Farm business management, ownership/ operation (Minimum 3 years)
Net Worth $500,000 CAD
Investment $300,000 CAD
Additional Requirement Refundable deposit: $75,000
Status In Canada a)Work permit b)PR post subject to meeting requirements

Education High School certificate
Language CLB 5
Work Experience a)Minimum of 3 years in last 5 years as an active business owner b) Minimum 33% ownership/ senior management role
Net Worth $500,000 CAD
Investment CAD $250,000 Manitoba Capital Region Rest places CAD $150,000
Additional Requirement Sign Business Performance Agreement Create 1 job for PR or Canadian Citizen
Status In Canada a)Work permit b)PR post subject to meeting requirements

Pathway Nova Scotia Entrepreneur Program
Language CLB 5
Work Experience 3 years Business Management or Business Owning (1/3 ownership ) Or > 5 years in the role of senior business management
Investment $600,000 CAD
Net Worth $300,000 CAD
Additional Requirement Submit Expression of Interest
Status In Canada a) Work permit for 1 year b) PR subject to meeting requirements

Pathway Northwest Territories Business Stream
Language CLB 4
Work Experience Relevant Experience
Net Worth a) $500,000 CAD (within Yellowknife) b) $250,000 CDN elsewhere
Investment a)$300,000 CDN (within Yellowknife) b)At least $150,000 CDN elsewhere c)Own 33.3% or have an Investment $1,000,000 CAD
Additional Requirement Must have a sign Business Performance Agreement
Status In Canada a)Work permit for 2 years b) PR post 2 years subject to meeting requirements

Pathway New Brunswick Business Immigration
Language CLB 5
Net Worth $600,000 CAD
Investment $250,000 CAD
Additional Requirement a) Refundable deposit b) $100,000 c) Age: 22 to 55 year old
Status In Canada a) Apply for PR post receiving b) Nomination Certificate

Pathway Prince Edward Work Permit Stream
Province Connection No
Language CLB 4
Education Secondary School
Work Experience Experience in Management Role
Net Worth $600,000
Investment NA
Additional Requirement Age: 21-59 years
Status In Canada a)Must have Letter of support for b)Work permit Nomination certification post

Pathway Ontario Entrepreneur Stream
Province Connection No
Language CLB 4
Education No
Work Experience 24 months Full-time business experience of 24months in last 60 months
Net Worth a) Within GTA: $800,000 CAD b) Outside GTA: $400,000 CAD
Investment Within GTA: $600,000 CAD Outside GTA: $200,000 CAD
Additional Requirement a)Create 2 permanent jobs within b)1 Permanent Job GTA Outside c)GTA Outside GTA $200,000 CAD
Status In Canada a)Work permit b) PR post subject to meeting requirements

Pathway Saskatchewan Entrepreneur Program
Education No minimum
Province Connection No
Work Experience (3 years experience) as entrepreneur, managing a business in the past 10 years
Net Worth $500,000 CAD
Investment a) 300,000 (CAD) in Regina and Saskatoon b) $200,000 (CAD) in rest of Saskatchewan c) 33.3% ownership or > $1,000,000 investment
Additional Requirement Create: 2 jobs if investing in Regina or in Saskatoon
Status In Canada a)Work permit for 2 years b) 2 Years PR post subject to meeting requirements

Pathway Saskatchewan Farm Owner and Operator
Education No minimum
Province Connection No
Work Experience Minimum 3 years experience in Farm ownership/ management
Net Worth $500,000 CAD
Investment $150,000 CAD Good Faith Deposit ( $75,000 CAD)
Additional Requirement a)Sign a performance Agreement b) 10 days exploratory visit to Saskatchewan
Status In Canada a) Apply for PR post receiving b) Nomination Certificate

Pathway Yukon Business Nominee Program
Education High School
Province Connection No
Work Experience Business management experience of 3 Years 5 Years Relevant Business Experience
Net Worth $300,000 CAD
Investment $300,000 CAD or $300,000 Liquid Asset
Additional Requirement Strategic sector Should focus on strategic sector
Status In Canada a)Work permit for 2 years b) 2 year subject to meeting requirements