w h i t e s p r u c e

Updates:Super Visa extended for 5 years Read More

Terms & Condition


All the right, content and copyright on this website is possessed and handled by White Spruce Immigration. While White Spruce Immigration welcomes the use of its function, before you duplicate, regenerate, showcase, distribute, or use any of these materials — entirely or in part — you may need the written consent of White Spruce Immigration.

White Spruce Immigration have the right to rewrite these terms and conditions from time to time at its sole discretion.

You are allowed of viewing, copying, and printing the given documents just within this website only if:-

  • The information provided in this website is for your informational, personal, and non-commercial purposes.
  • You will not try to amend the documents/ graphics in any manner.
  • Reuse, copy or distribute graphics from their accompanying text.
  • You will not quote materials out of their context.
  • You will not reference or site White Spruce Immigration without consent.
  • You will not use the material in any course pack of any university.
  • You will not reprint part of our work or post it on other websites.


*The given information above does not include the authorization to copy the design, outlook or feel of this website. The request to publish any material on this website may be sent to White Spruce Immigration.